Before you go, get in the know.

The ideal way to use this school is to shore up your fundamentals prior to taking a brand-specific certification class. This site gives you the tools to ask better questions during your training, spot the marketing tools they'll use and to assess if the product is one you would be comfortable with BEFORE you invest time and money.

If straightening is already on your menu, this school provides tools to assess and reevaluate any potential safety issues, compare a potential brand to one already in house, tips and tricks for modifying a procedure and the confidence to be able to set realistic expectations for clients.

"I wish this course existed before I started doing keratin in the salon, but better late than never. We have installed better ventilation and switched brands...."

- M.Clairy

Alysia here.

Hello All :)

Since 1991, I've been on the receiving end of hair education. It's been awesome and I have loved the life my career in hair has given me. I wouldn't trade it in for ANYTHING. Over the years, and specifically since 2001, I have participated in education on almost every brand offering education on hair straightening to the point where I now show up to a class and know more than the instructors....which isn't a compliment to myself. No ma'am. Brands hire educators to sell specific product and train on specific procedure. Trainers are so brand focused that they usually don't comment or compare their product to other brands on the market, or if they do...... they tend to make claims of superiority of whatever brand is paying them. Sadly, trainers might actually have additional info that would be helpful but are not able to share it due to restrictions on what they are allowed to teach.

This class is from one dedicated stylist to another. I have no brand affiliation and I hope that whatever is learned here lifts you up and strengthens your career, no matter what brand you decide to use.

Best wishes to you all, and know that I totally support stylists who ask the hard questions and demand truthful information.